How to Download Santander Bank Statement PDF to Excel or CSV

How to Download Santander Bank Statement PDF to Excel or CSV

Changing a Santander bank statement from a PDF to an Excel or CSV file can help you keep your finances in order. By making this conversion, you can track and sort your transactions, make graphs and charts, and look into your spending habits more easily.

This guide will show you how to turn your Santander PDF bank statement into an Excel or CSV file using an online application. 

Download the Statement From Santander Bank

Option 1: Use Internet Banking to Download Your Statement

Here’s what to do:

  1. Start by logging into your online banking account.
  2. In the menu, click on “Statements and Documents”.
  3. Pick the statement you need to look at.
  4. Under “Action”, choose to either view it in PDF/Text Format or download it.
  5. Click “Go,” and your statement will open in a new window. 

Option 2: Use the Santander Bank App to Download Your Statement

Here’s how you can download your Santander PDF statements anytime using the mobile app:

  1. Open the Santander Bank mobile app and log in with your details.
  2. Next, tap the “More” button.
  3. Then, go to “My Details and Settings
  4. Select “Statements and Documents.”
  5. Here, you can see all your account statements.
  6. To open a document, simply tap on it, and it will display in PDF format.
  7. To download, just tap the arrow icon in the upper-right corner of the screen. 

Convert your Santander Bank PDF Bank Statements to Excel

Turning Excel files into PDFs is a useful feature, especially for organizing and reviewing data in a more manageable format. But how do you do it smoothly and effectively?

The answer is straightforward- you can use high-quality software or an online service designed for this purpose. These tools like Convert My Bank Statement make the conversion process simple and efficient, making sure your data is transferred accurately and securely. 


You can make your Santander bank statement easier to handle by changing it from PDF to Excel or CSV format. Choose a method that suits your needs and preferences. An effective way to do this is by using an online tool that pulls information from your PDF files and places it into a spreadsheet.